Mar 28, 2017

Voltaire's Garden


Well how should I start this?

Many of you may not know that, but Candide, or Optimism by VOLTAIRE is my favorite novel of all time. I remember when it was first assigned to is back in high school (I studied in a french school), I wasn't keen on reading it to be honest.

But the moment I started , I was hooked. Couldn't do anything but reading it. I loved the use of irony and sarcasm (it's a French satire) in it. It is were I learned one of the quoted that live by.

" "You must have a vast and magnificent estate," said Candide to the Turk.
"I have but twenty acres," replied the Turk. "I cultivate them with my children ; our works keeps at bay the three great evils: boredom, vice, and necessity."
Back on his little farm, Candide reflected deeply on the words of the Turk. He said to Pangloss and Martin: "That worthy old man seems to have created for himself an existence far preferable to that of the six kings with whom we had the honour of dinning." ...
"All I know," said Candide, "is that we must cultivate our garden." 
"You are right," said Pengloss "for when man was placed in the garden of Eden, he was put there ut operaretur eum, so that he may work: which proves that man was not born for rest." 
"Let us set to work and stop proving things," said Martin "for that is the only way to make life bearable."

The quote " We must cultivate our garden " , is one of the few that I live up to.

The meaning?

The garden represents one life and they "must cultivate" it by making their own decisions and mistakes in order to create their very own garden for themselves.

This can also apply to many other aspects, such as : 
Social media and building a blog
Moving out
Even high school 
It is all up to you and your decisions .


What are your thoughts and opinion about this? and What is a quote that you live up to?

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Love , Sara ^^